The 10 Commandments For 2013! 10 Tips To Make The New Year A Success!
To ensure success you can follow these 11 Commandments to avoid making the mistakes that cause failure and to stay motivated not only this year but for years to come.
Commandment 1: Make A Decision, Not A Resolution
The reason most people fail is because New Year Resolutions are something that is done every year and is normally laughed at because they joke about how they will forget by February. Therefore in the mind resolution equals failure. This year do not make New Year Resolutions. Make decisions in 2011. Decisions are final. Decisions are acted upon. Acting on those decisions is what will help you succeed.Commandment 2: Make Long Term And Short Term Goals
If you set one goal for the long term then it seems so far away that you will give up before reaching it. I do suggest long term goals but I also suggest setting short term goals that will serve as steps you can climb to help you reach that mountaintop you have set for yourself. Focusing on the short term goals will make the road easier for you to travel and will give you more confidence as you reach those targets. Here is an example. Your long term goal is to lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks. Make short term goals of losing 5 pounds every three weeks.
Commandment 3: Write Everything Down
Having the goals in your mind is not enough. Those of you that have tried and failed in the past know that this is true. You need to see it to keep it fresh in your mind and to remind you of what you want to do. You should get a notebook and write down your goals, your motivation, and anything else that will keep you going when the times get tough so you won't stop working. There are many successful people from athletes to CEO's and all other walks of life that do this. You should too.Commandment 4: Take Before Photos
Mentally this is a big step but it is a step you need to take. To get where you want to go you must understand where you are leaving from. This is true when it comes to fitness. You see that photo and you know exactly what you want to change. Take both front and back photos and post them on your BodySpace.Although this is tough for many people to do it should serve as motivation for you. Imagine how far you are going to travel and how different the after photos will look when you take them 12 weeks from now. Imagine how impressive the transformation will look when the before and after pics are side by side.
Commandment 5: Find Inspirational People And Follow Them
There are many people out there who are successful, and there are going to be many that inspire you. Some will be more impressive than others and having role models are a great source of motivation. If they can do it so can you. So find 10 people that really stand out to you and label them as one of the people who inspire and motivate you. Seeing these beacons of success will drive you when times get tough and you think about stopping. They won't let you and you will be glad they didn't. Who knows? Maybe in 2013 someone will label you as someone who inspires them.Commandment 6: Make A Plan And Follow It
There are thousands of articles on that will help you come up with your own strategy to reach your goals. There are all kinds of training plans from FST-7 to Dramatic Transformation Principle and many others. There are all types of nutrition articles to help you choose the right foods and help you avoid making mistakes. Supplements can be confusing but we got you covered there too. Browse around the SuperSite and get the bodybuilding education you need to earn a PhD in fitness. Once you get that plan stick to it because consistency is a key to progress.Commandment 7: Track The Workouts And Progress
Nothing beats seeing your progress to keep you inspired to work harder. You can use the Workout Tracker to post each workout to remind you what you want to improve on next week. You can also update your lifting stats and body stats and see progress in a chart. Seeing the lines move in the right direction will boost that confidence off the charts.Commandment 8: Enjoy The Journey
Look. This is more than going to the gym to lose a few pounds and increasing your bench press. You are changing your life. You are doing something that many people either can't or won't do. This isn't to be taken lightly. Take the time to enjoy the journey and appreciate what you are doing. This will make the destination that much greater when you get there.Commandment 9: Celebrate Any And All Progress
I am going to use a football analogy here. The 12 week goal is the UEFA Champions League. Your first 3 Week goal is getting in the playoffs. Your next 3 Week goal is winning your group stages. At the 9 Week mark you find out you are going to the "Big Game". Finally you win it all. The point is in order to reach your ultimate goal you must accomplish the smaller goals first. So when you reach those smaller targets celebrate those too. Once again this helps you stay motivated and working hard for the big one.Commandment 10: Do Not Quit!
I don't care what adversity you run into or what obstacles stand in your way. You keep going and let nothing stop you. If there is a hurdle you jump over it. If there is a wall go around it or smash right through it. Each step forward is progress.You don't stop and you don't back up for anything. This will be your year and having the determination to finish what you started is why 2011 is going to be a year you remember for the rest of your life. Make sure you keep your BodySpace updated so you can have that motivation right at the click of a mouse when times get tough. Look to those that inspire you for that source of mental energy you need to get up and go. Let nothing stop you on your path to being a champion and a New Year Success Story!
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