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Tuesday 18 December 2012

Start this New Year with a Bang - Acheiving your Goals

Start This New Year With A Bang!

Have you kept your 2012 New Year's Resolutions? Odds are you may have lost your way a little. Now it's time to get back on track and make 2011 the year that you achieve your fitness goals!
1st January, 2012- "From today onwards I will begin my journey to get strong and big/lose fat and will surely make it happen this year"
Maybe that was the New Year's resolution that you made to yourself in 2012. And probably by mid 2012 that was already a broken promise. You are definitely not the only one with this issue. I can safely say that 95% of all New Year's resolutions end up being unsuccessful. Barely 5% make it a success. Maybe you are guilty of making the same New Year's resolution every year and end up breaking it barely 21 days into the New Year every single time. Well if that is the case then you should realize that you need to plan well rather than just make a wish every 1st January and expect it to happen. Yes, all great achievements are, as they say, 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.
I can safely say that 95% of all New Year's resolutions end up being unsuccessful
Anyways, regardless of how many unsuccessful New Year's resolutions we may make every year, we still find a new source of motivation and hope with every 1st of January approaching. That is something that I truly love about the human spirit. So, if you are one of those who never say die and are determined to make this year your best yet, then let me help you make it special this year.

Common Training Mistakes

First of all you need to look at the mistakes that you committed in 2012 so that you do not repeat them this year as well. Here are some of the common mistakes that trainees make when they fail. You may have committed one or many of them - check out for yourself.
  • Failed to consistently train.
  • Pushed too hard.
  • Pushed too little.
  • Neglected proper nutrition. Ate mostly junk and refined foods.
  • Rested very little. Slept no more than 5 hours on most nights.
  • Failed to progress with intensity, weight lifted, and going faster in your workouts.
  • Changed your workouts too frequently to not gain from any of them.
  • Were so confused between losing fat and gaining muscle that you ended doing nothing much.
Of course there can be other reasons too that may have caused you to fail in 2010. So if you can identify with any of the reasons mentioned above or any that you may have detected then obviously first you need to get that sorted out.
A common mistake is neglecting proper nutrition
Let's move onto training in 2013, assuming that you will sort out the other problems like nutrition, rest, etc.

Fixing Your Training Mistakes

Frankly speaking the number one problem I see that most trainees make in regards to their training is that they do not train for quality. Just one example to prove my point, have you ever seen a guy make a dumbbell lateral raise into a compound movement using his lower back, legs? Yes that is a fine example of poor quality training. So this year commit to improving your exercise form. Remember what eight times Mr. Olympia Lee Haney used to say "when you do a rep properly, one rep equals to two reps".
Another thing, please promise me that this year you will listen to your body better. I can't tell you how many times I have seen trainees show complete lack of patience and push their bodies so that hard that working out becomes fruitless and something that they dread.
A good workout should leave your body flooded with endorphins, growth hormone, and testosterone. In a simpler language, it should leave you feeling on top the world! If your workouts leave you crawling outside the gym then you have pushed yourself too far.
A good workout should leave you feeling on top of the world.
Okay so now lets move on to the workouts. I will share 3 workouts with you in this article, one for bodybuilding, one for fat loss and one for size and strength training. So who should do the workouts that I will suggest, beginners, intermediates or advanced trainees? The workouts that I shall suggest should be done by anyone wishing to improve their body. It will work great for beginners and early intermediates. However more advanced trainees who have overtrained their bodies out of the progression mode will also find the workouts to be great to help restart their progress once again by allowing their bodies to start recovering from workouts and get stronger and fitter.


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