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Thursday 20 December 2012

The Power of Belief and Faith

Any goal or vision you want to manifest in your life requires 100% belief and absolute faith.  You have to BELIEVE it’s going to happen, before making it happen.  Some people say, “When I see it, I will believe it”, and I can’t tell you how much that is bullshit!  The truth and reality is, “When you BELIEVE IT, you will SEE IT.”  It all starts with your belief first.
Without belief in your goal or vision, you have no reason to take any action.  You will be immobilized – stagnant.  No long-term progress is possible without your belief.

How do you get that belief?

There are many ways.
For me, personally, I have so many references and experiences from the past, that they give me a lot of confidence and belief in myself that I can make anything happen.  I’ve built successful businesses, I’ve transformed my body and competed in fitness competitions, and I’ve faced a lot of fears and challenges in my life.  Because I’ve reached many other goals in the past, I BELIEVE and have FAITH that I can make my current goals a reality.  I’ve built up a proven track-record of success.
Another way is that I look for role models and people that have already achieved the goals that I want.  I read biographies and get around others that are successful.  What that does for me is it gives me the belief that it is POSSIBLE.  I think to myself, “If they can do it, I can too.”  A great example of this is Roger Banister, the first man who ran the 4 minute mile.  The moment he achieved that goal, dozens of other people achieved it because they now had that belief that it was possible. Today high school kids can run a 4 minute mile, despite the fact that it was once an “impossible” goal to be achieved in the past.
I also envision my goals daily.  I visualize and see myself having lived and achieved that goal, as if it’s already happened.  I learned this from the book Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.  This is something that all great professional athletes and peak performers do.  They have already won the championship thousands of times in their head, which gives them the certainty and belief that they can make it happen.
And finally, I put myself in a STATE each and every morning to be unstoppable and believe that I can make anything happen.  This is something that is illustrated in my morning ritual video.  I make sure that I walk, move, breathe, and speak with absolute certainty and never doubt myself.  In this state, when obstacles show up, you break through them.  Nothing can stop you when you DECIDE to put yourself in the state necessary to achieve your goals – and this is also something that all great athletes and performers do before any big game or event.
Ultimately, you have to have FAITH – just trusting completely that things will work out the way you want.  And more often than not, it does.  With that faith, you will take that first step and keep taking action, despite the fact you may not be seeing results.  But because you believe so much, you’re not discouraged and keep taking action.  With this mindset, you will turn your wildest dreams into a reality.

Taken from Projectlifemastery.com 


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