While I do not always end up managing to put each of the following
tips into practice, I do make a big effort to do so each day. This is a
list of my favorite tips to improving your life. All it takes is a
little bit each day and you will see wondrous changes. Feel free to add
your own tips to the comments.
10. Get off to a Good Start
This means getting up early and eating breakfast. You will have much
more energy throughout the day to follow the rest of these tips if you
do! If you are so inclined, you can even include a little exercise in
your morning routine. If you live with other people you can try to use
this opportunity to get everyone together at the table to eat in the
mornings. This is a nice way to start the day and a good way to ensure
open lines of communication in a very busy household.
9. Keep a Schedule
It is a very good idea to write down the tasks you need to achieve in
each day. As you complete them, tick them off. You should not,
however, feel like you are bound to your list. If you don’t manage to
do everything, it doesn’t matter – move any incomplete tasks from today
on to tomorrow’s list. This is also a great help if you are a
8. Take a Break and have Fun
If you spend too much time in front of the computer, at your desk, or
doing whatever it is that your occupation requires, you should take a
break. This doesn’t mean you have to take time off work – it just means
you should try to make better use of your non-work time to do something
fun. I always have difficulty pulling myself away from the computer
and as a result I don’t go out as often as I should on the weekend or in
the evening. But every time I do – I wonder why I haven’t done it
sooner. This is a good way to develop new interests, and friends and to
break up the monotony of everyday life.
7. Be Generous
Generosity has a tendency to come back. By generosity I am not
referring only to money. You can be generous with your smiles, your
advice, and many other things. Always try to find a way to help others.
One day you may be in great need and people you know will be more
likely to come to your aid when they know that you would do the same for
them. You might know someone that could use help around the home from
time to time – not only are you doing a good thing by helping them out,
but you may also make a great new friend.
6. Accept the things you can’t Change
When something bad happens in our lives, we try to fix them or change
them. But sometimes we can’t. Often this leads us to spend hours
moping and falling in to depression. If you can make yourself accept
the things you cannot change – you will become a much happier person.
Acceptance of these situations also allows us to start finding a way to
cope much faster. For example, you may realize that you have only £10
left in your bank account that has to last the next 2 weeks. Instead of
getting down about it, accept that you have no money and work out a way
to survive on that amount. You can save yourself from wasting hours in
a bad mood by just getting on with life. You will find much more
serenity in life following this tip.
4. Break the Chain
If you have a lot of patterns in your life, try breaking them – do something different every day. Let’s say you always order the same meal at your regular Friday night restaurant. Why not try something else this Friday? Not only do you get to broaden your experiences of life, you open up many doors for the future. Not long ago I would never eat oriental foods or seafood. Then one day I decided that I would just try it. Seafood is now one of my favorite foods and I would hate to be without it. Because I discovered that I love Thai and Chinese food, I can eat in any restaurant I want.
3. Face the Fear
Every day you should do something you don’t want to do – or feel uncomfortable doing. This varies in degrees for everyone, but we all have little things we can start out with. For example, you may not go to the gym because you fear everyone looking at you – do it anyway! In no time you will be so much more confident that you abolish the fear entirely and can move on to the next fear – maybe even something bigger. Living a fearless life gives you a confidence that is visible to others. Instead of building walls around ourselves, we should be tearing them down.
2. Set Goals – Live for the Now
Lists of this nature almost always tell you to set and write goals. I am going to tell you the exact same thing. Setting goals in life serves as a purpose and if you have it written down somewhere it is very useful. It can serve as motivation and inspiration to achieve your goal.
1. Don’t Procrastinate
This is one I struggle with a lot in my own life. This has been a great challenge for me as I work from home, but taking this job has really helped me to stop putting things off and take control of my life. The feeling after completing a task you would normally put off is a great high – and certainly a much healthier one than some of the other highs in our lives. When you put something off, you are putting yourself into time-debt. You have to pay that debt back and almost always you end up having to do that at the most inconvenient time.
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