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Saturday 15 December 2012

Paul McKenna : Change your Life in Seven Days Book Review

I bought this book because I thought 'there must be more to life than this ordinary hum-drum', but on my own I couldn't figure out what to do with my life, or how to go about it. I started the book once and tried to do it all in 7 days, but this really is ambitious, so I ended up putting it down for a few months. It was probably the fact that I couldn't come up with an alternative that I thought 'pick it up again, give it a proper try' and this time I took my time and it worked a treat - that was 18 months ago.

That is my advice to you, give it a proper try. What Paul aims to do is simply empower YOU to change YOUR life, no one else can, will, or should, do it for you. Some other reviewer wrote 'it is no magic bullet', this is true, but nowhere does the author promise that he'll do all the work for you - if only life were that easy. All I can say is if you dedicate a little time (and regularly) to his techniques as well as listening to the CD, you will see the changes you are looking for. He is open and honest with you and reiterates that it is up to you to practise. The exercises are clear, straightforward, engaging, and after a few tries, easy to do. Paul's advice is not airy-fairy, and unlike a lot of other self help books it is not vague - the jobs he asks you to do are specific, and when you think about the exercises and the effects, they are quite logical.

However, I suggest that the title of 'change...in seven days' is a bit unrealistic. To do what he asks (and do it right) in just seven days is impossible if you have a job, a family, if you commute, or whatever. I made significant changes within 3-4 weeks, and other changes occurred simply by doing a little and often. I stress that you need to really visualise, really employ your imagination 100%. It is worth it though. Regarding the CD recording, don't pay too much attention to what is being said, he is speaking to your unconscious after all. Just enjoy the relaxation.

The things that improved for me are, most noticebly, I suffered badly with sweating hands and feet, every day, morning til bedtime since I was 13. It affected my confidence and of course was pretty uncomfortable being swollen up all the time. I had tried expensive hypnotherapy which eased it for a few days but didn't cure it. I always felt it was psychological, and when I did Paul's techniques of finding your 'authentic self' and vividly imagining myself at my best, I always visualised myself with lovely dry hands and feet, smiling and shaking hands confidently with people. After about 3 weeks of doing the techniques every day (or second day), I had about 25 'dry' days out of every month. A pretty decent leap forward I say. I still suffer with it now and then, but I take a few minutes and run through the visualisation techniques and the problem quickly goes. The author does not suggest he will work miracles, he just helps you to help yourself.

Other improvements include a big boost in self-confidence, something that friends and family notice and comment on (this just causes a bigger boost again). I am calmer and don't worry so much. I value myself a lot more than before, and dare I say it, love myself a bit more; job offers and nice salary increases have occurred; working life has improved a lot too, I have even gotten relief from IBS. Yes, I may have gotten there on my own, but it would have taken me honestly about 5-10 years. The advice and techniques in this book have brought me very far, honestly. It is same with anything, if you want good to come into your life, it will, but if you only worry and fret and see the bad.... It is not rocket science.


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