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Friday, 21 December 2012

How to Change your Beliefs

Do your Beliefs help you?

Are you happy with your life right now?

If not, what can you do about it?

Today I'd like to ask you to examine your beliefs. Now beware...Some of these beliefs may be hidden deep within your brain so you may have to ask searching questions and think carefully to find an answer.

Many people come to me for Coaching and need help with self esteem or confidence issues. They want steps that they can follow to build self esteem or become more confident. In Life Coaching we know that the most powerful changes that we can help someone make come from questioning beliefs.

What are you beliefs?

Ask yourself "What do I believe about myself?"
"What do I believe I can do well?"
"What do I believe I don't do well?"
"How do I believe others see me?"

"What do I believe is possible in my life?"

Self esteem is so important but before you try to boost yours ask yourself:

"What do I believe I deserve?"

When you ask these kinds of questions you must be very honest. You can easily fool yourself.

When you have discovered what your main beliefs are then you need to figure out which beliefs help you and which don't.

Once you know which beliefs limit you and hold you back preventing you from being happy or achieving your goals then you can do something about it.

The next step will be to replace those limiting beliefs by ones that help you move closer to living the life you want.


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