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Friday 21 December 2012

How to Bring Change To Your Life

Are You Ready for a Change?

Commit to Change
Commit to Change and It’ll Be Yours!
All of us – every single one of us – has at least one change we need to make in our lives. We know full well what change needs to take place, and we certainly know WHY we want it to come about. The WHY may be more money, better health, better relationships, or better organization. Whatever the details, the change will be one that we know will add happiness and harmony to our lives.
Seems simple enough, right? What person in his or her right mind wouldn’t do whatever needed to be done to bring more happiness into their lives?
Unfortunately, there’s a reason I wrote “Seems simple enough” rather than just “Simple enough.” Change is hard! Funny, we always look at people around us and ask, “Why won’t ____ just change?” or “Why can’t ______ just give up smoking? He’s not even trying!” Yet, when it comes to ourselves we fully recognize how difficult it is to change habits – many of which are habits of a lifetime. Trying to develop a new, better habit while trying to ditch an old one is like trying to create a new bike path, while ignoring the one that’s already there. It’s so easy to steer back to familiar territory, isn’t it?!
I wish there was an easy answer. If one existed, I’d be typing it out right now – happily letting my readers know the simple thing they needed to do to achieve all they wanted to achieve and to be all they wanted to be. I’ve given it a lot of thought and have done a great deal of reading and research (to say nothing of the trial and error approach I’ve had with my own habits!). I know I’m dangerously close to oversimplifying, but success really does come down to a single word: Commitment.
If we commit our mind, body, and soul to a one single, reasonable purpose – we won’t be able to fail. However, that commitment can’t come and go. We can’t be as strong as a lion on Monday just to weaken into a kitten by Thursday. We have to “roaring” with determination and commitment every day. It doesn’t matter if we’re battling a bad temper, our weight, an addiction, or procrastination – in order to come out on the winning end, we have to commit ourselves to the win.
Part of the solution lies in battling FOR something rather than just battling AGAINST something. Focus on the positive – how wonderful you’ll feel once you’re standing on the winning side, how proud everyone who loves you will be of you, and how you’ll be in a position, then, to help others. Commit yourself fully to the change you want to bring about and you’ll leave your habits with only one choice: To come around to your way of thinking.


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